Karen is teaching several classes and here is the schedule for her upcoming classes - You must pre-register prior so she has time to create and buy the supplies.
All classes are at BYOB Creative (Bring Your Own Business), 928 Diamond Springs Rd, Unit 113, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
All About St. Patrick’s Day (Wreath, Lighted Wine Bottle/Tiered Tray Display) - Mar 2 6-8pm https://stpattyswreath.eventbrite.com
Create a Easter Wreath - Apr 6, 6-8pm https://easterwreath.eventbrite.com
All About Cinco de Mayo (Wreath, Lighted Wine Bottle, Tiered Tray) - Apr 27, 6-8pm https://cincodemayowreath.eventbrite.com
Make a Kentucky Derby Hat - May 4, 6-8pm https://kentuckyderbyhat.eventbrite.com
Create a Wine Inspired Wreath, May 11, 6-8pm https://wineinspiredwreath.eventbrite.com
Create a Memorial Day Wreath, May 18, 6-8pm and May 21, 1-3pm https://memorialdaywreath.eventbrite.com
Create a Honey BEE Wreath - Jun 15, 6-8pm https://honeybeewreath.eventbrite.com
Create a Patriotic Wreath - June 22, 6-8pm https://patrioticwreath.eventbrite.com
Karen Gould Main Stream Events and PR Firm (757) 204-1416 www.yourmainstream.com